Via San Gottardo 41, CH-6600 Muralto
Online bookings are legally valid only after confirmation by fewotessin.
After legally valid booking, the deposit is due within 10 days. The final payment is due 30 days before arrival date. Details can be found in the booking agreement.
Payment options:
We offer the following payment options:
Bank account
The bank account you will receive with your travel documents.
Check in / check out
Check in: earliest at 16.00 p.m.
Check out: latest at 10.00 a.m.
Hand-over of keys
In your travel documents you will find all information about the key handover.
The final cleaning is done exclusively by the staff of Fewotessin.
Route description
In your travel documents you will find the route descrption.
Additional services
The following additional services are available: